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"ALIVE IN CHRIST" by Our Sunday Visitor
“Alive in Christ” offers engaging lessons that lead young disciples to higher levels of moral thinking and a deeper initiation into a life of prayer. Through exploration, discovery, and decision-making, children are invited to accept the challenge to follow Jesus and learn and practice the skills needed to be active disciples.
Key Concept: God created everything. All creation shows God’s goodness. God created humans in his image and likeness with a unique role in his creation.
Catholic Faith Words: creation, Holy Trinity, image of God
Discover: (Pages 54-57):
Key Concept: The Bible is the Word of God written in human words. The Church is the community of all baptized people who believe in God and follow Jesus.
Catholic Faith Words: Bible, Church, Sacred Tradition
Discover: (Pages 64-67):
Key Concept: Mary is a special member of God’s family and the greatest Saint. The family home is called the “domestic Church.”
Catholic Faith Words: Visitation, Mary, domestic Church
Discover: (Pages 47-77):
Key Concept: Prayer is the raising of one’s mind and heart to God. Prayer is an important part of a Catholic’s daily life.
Catholic Faith Words: prayer, Lord’s Prayer, blessing and adoration, praise, petition, intercession, thanksgiving, Invite
Discover: (Pages 108-111):
Key Concept: Jesus taught about God’s Kingdom of love, peace, and justice that is in Heaven and is still being built on Earth. Jesus established the Kingdom of God on Earth, and his teaching and miracles were signs of the Kingdom.
Catholic Faith Words: Gospel, Messiah, Kingdom of God, miracle, parable
Discover: (pages 122–123):
Key Concept: Jesus died and rose to new life to save all people from the power of sin. The Church celebrates the Paschal Mystery in all of the Seven Sacraments.
Catholic Faith Words: sacrifice, Resurrection, Ascension, Paschal Mystery
Discover: (Pages 132-135):
Key Concept: The Church is the Body of Christ, to which all her members belong. Stewardship is the way we appreciate and use God’s gifts—including our time, talent, and treasure and the gift of creation—to serve God and others.
Catholic Faith Words: parish, Body of Christ, stewardship
Discover: (PAges 142-145):
Key Concept: The bishops are the successors of the Apostles who teach, lead, and make the Church holy. The Pope is the successor of Peter, the Bishop of Rome, and the head of the entire Church.
Catholic Faith Words: Pope, Apostolic Succession, bishop, Magisterium
Discover: (Pages 156-159):
Key Concept: The Marks of the Church are the four characteristics that identify Christ’s Church: one, holy, catholic, and apostolic. The Communion of Saints includes all members of the Church, both living and dead, and form one Body in Christ.
Catholic Faith Words: Marks of the Church, one, holy, catholic, apostolic, Pentecost, Saint, Communion of Saints
Discover: (Pages 166-169):
Key Concept: The Church’s mission is to share Jesus’ Good News with the people of all nations. The Church is catholic because she is everywhere and she welcomes everyone.
Catholic Faith Words: evangelization, mission, missionaries
Key Concept: Jesus’ New Commandment is to love one another as he loves each of us. The Beatitudes are teachings of Jesus that show the way to true happiness and tell us how to live in God’s Kingdom here on earth.
Catholic Faith Words: Beatitudes, mercy, New Commandment
Key Concept: Each of us has a purpose and vocation that helps us follow God’s plan and be a light to the world. God’s gifts of faith, hope, and charity (love) help you live a good and moral life.
Catholic Faith Words: vocation, virtues, Theological Virtues, faith, hope, charity
Discover: (Pages 199-203):
Family + Faith (pages 207-208):
Key Concept: Conscience is the ability given to us by God that helps us make choices about right and wrong. God’s grace in the Sacraments, and the Holy Spirit, help us make changes and good choices.
Catholic Faith Words: grace, conscience, Precepts of the Church, sin
Discover:(Pages 210-214):
Live: (Page 214):
Family + Faith (pages 217-218):
Key Concept: Baptism removes Original Sin, forgives personal sin, and gives new life in Christ. Confirmation seals and completes Baptism. In the Eucharist, Jesus shares himself with us, giving us the gift of his Body and Blood.
Catholic Faith Words: Sacred Chrism, Sacraments of Initiation, Eucharist, Real Presence
Discover: (pages 224-227):
Family + Faith (pages 231-232):
Key Concept: In the Sacraments of Healing, God’s forgiveness and healing are given to those suffering physical and spiritual sickness. In Penance, a priest absolves sin, In the Anointing of the Sick, the priest anoints and prays for God to send his healing love.
Catholic Faith Words: Sacraments of Healing
Discover: (Pages 234-237):
Family + Faith (pages 241-242):
Key Concept: Holy Orders is the Sacrament in which baptized men are ordained as deacons, priests, or bishops to lead and serve the Church. Matrimony joins a baptized man and a baptized woman in Christian marriage to serve God by loving each other and any children God gives them.
Catholic Faith Words: : vows, priest, deacon, Sacraments at the Service of Communion
Discover: (244-247)
Key Concept: God kept his promise to be forever faithful when he sent his Son, Jesus. Throughout her history, the Church strives to be faithful to God’s covenant and proclaim the Good News.
Catholic Faith Words: covenant, proclaim, faithful
Discover:(pages 258-261):
Family + Faith (pages 265-266):