"ALIVE IN CHRIST" by Our Sunday Visitor
“Alive in Christ” offers engaging lessons that lead young disciples to higher levels of moral thinking and a deeper initiation into a life of prayer. Through exploration, discovery, and decision-making, children are invited to accept the challenge to follow Jesus and learn and practice the skills needed to be active disciples.
Key Concept: Divine Revelation is the process by which God makes himself, and his plans for humans, known to us. Humans share in the Creator’s loving plan by caring for creation.
Catholic Faith Words: Divine Revelation, Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, providence, stewardship
Discover: (Pages 54-57)
Key Concept: True happiness can come only through communion with God. Religion expresses our relationship with God through beliefs, prayers, and practices.
Catholic Faith Words: religion, grace, faith, Messiah
Discover: (Pages 64-67):
Live: (pages 68–69):
Family + Faith (Pages 71-72)
Key Concept: One way that God communicates his love is through signs. Through the visible signs and Divine actions in each Sacrament, we receive grace and are helped to share in God’s work.
Catholic Faith Words: covenant, Seven Sacraments
Discover: (Pages 74-77):
Key Concept: The Trinity is the central mystery of Christian faith and life. Virtue is the habit of doing good. The Theological Virtues of faith, hope, and charity are gifts from God.
Catholic Faith Words: mystery, Holy Trinity, virtues
Discover: (Pages 88-91):
Key Concept: Prayer and worship are ways to show love for God and to thank him for his blessings. When we pray and worship, God fills us with joy, strength, and hope.
Catholic Faith Words: reverence, worship, liturgy
Discover: (Pages 98-101):
Key Concept: The Great Commandment states that you should love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, soul, and mind. The Cardinal Virtues play a central role in helping people lead morally good lives.
Catholic Faith Words: Cardinal Virtues
Discover: (Pages 108-11):
Key Concept: The Incarnation is the mystery that the Son of God became man in order to save all people. God created all people in his image and likeness, with the ability to love, free will (freedom to choose), and a soul that will live on after death.
Catholic Faith Words: psalms, creation, sin, Son of God
Discover: (Pages 122-125):
Key Concept: God’s Kingdom is present and grows in the Church and her Sacraments until God’s Reign comes in fullness at the end of time. Jesus proclaimed the Kingdom of God through his actions and parables.
Catholic Faith Words: Kingdom of God, parable, miracle, conversion
Discover: (Pages 132-135):
Key Concept: Through the Sacraments, Christ unites his followers to his Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension. Jesus Christ is the Redeemer of the human race.
Catholic Faith Words: Original Sin, sacrifice, Paschal Mystery, liturgical year
Discover: (pages 142-143):
Key Concept: As members of the Church, we are all united in living out the mission of Christ. The Church’s unity is expressed in the images of the Body of Christ and the People of God.
Catholic Faith Words: Marks of the Church, Body of Christ
Discover: (Pages 156-159):
Key Concept: The Apostles proclaimed Christ’s Good News and spread the Reign of God as Jesus commanded. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Pope and the bishops continue the Apostles’ mission to teach.
Catholic Faith Words: Pope, Magisterium, infallibility
Discover: (Pages 166-169):
Key Concept: Mary and the Saints provide the Church with models of heroic virtue and holiness. Canonization declares that a model Christian is enjoying eternity with God.
Catholic Faith Words: salvation, holy, Fruits of the Holy Spirit
Discover: (Pages 176-179):
Key Concept: Evil is the result of humans’ turning away from God’s goodness. God sent his Son to redeem people from the power of sin and evil.
Catholic Faith Words: Original Holiness, sin, mortal sin, venial sin
Discover: (Pages 190-193):
Live: (Page 174)
Chapter 13 Handout: Real-Life Situations.Family + Faith (pages 197-198):
Key Concept: Through the Sacraments of Initiation, we enter into a relationship with Christ and celebrate membership in the Catholic Church. Confirmation seals us with the Holy Spirit and deepens the grace of Baptism.
Catholic Faith Words: Confirmation, Sacred Chrism
Discover: (Pages 200-203):
Live: (Page 204):
Chapter 14 Handout: Word ScrambleFamily + Faith (pages 207-208):
Key Concept: The Church receives God’s forgiveness through the Sacraments of Healing. The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation includes contrition, confession, penance, and absolution.
Catholic Faith Words: confession, reparation, contrition, absolution.
Discover: (Pages 210-213):
Live: (Page 214):
Chapter 15 Handout: Use the VocabularyFamily + Faith (pages 217-218:
Key Concept: The wheat bread and grape wine become the Body and Blood of Christ in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Participation in the Mass is a duty and privilege.
Catholic Faith Words: Real Presence, Communion of Saints.
Discover: (Pages 224-227):
“The Body and Blood, together with the soul and divinity” of Christ is “truly, really, and substantially contained” in the “Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1374.)
Family + Faith (pages 231-232):
Key Concept: Sacred Scripture is the Word of God written by humans. The Word of God is proclaimed and preached in the first of two main parts of the Mass: the Liturgy of the Word.
Catholic Faith Words: Book of Gospels, Psalms, Creed
Discover: (Pages 234-237):
Live: (Page 214):
Chapter 17 Handout: Driving the Word HomeKey Concept: In Sunday worship and daily living, we show that the Eucharist is the source and the summit of the Catholic Church. The power of the Holy Spirit and the words of the priest transform the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ.
Catholic Faith Words: consecration, transubstantiation, Blessed Sacrament
Discover: (Pages 244-245):
Live: (Page 248)
Family + Faith (pages 251-252):
Key Concept: The Church’s mission is to bring the Good News to all people everywhere. The Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy are actions that address the physical and spiritual needs of others.
Catholic Faith Words: missionaries, Gifts of the Holy Spirit, evangelization, Corporal Works of Mercy, Spiritual Works of Mercy
Discover: (Pages 278-281):
Family + Faith (pages 285-286):